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The food

Food website made as a challenge that I set for myself, it is something simple and minimalist but with some animation touches, everything is made with pure html and css, take a look at the website.

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Picture of the crystal cards project

The Crystal Cards

Crystal cards is a project created only with html and css, this project is completely responsive to any device

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Picture of the website batata


Project created following the course of mobile first in platzi, it has some modifications made by me.

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Picture of sign up

Sing Up

Creating a form with design minimalist, technologies used HTML and CSS.

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Picture of the website columns

Three Columns

Meeting the FrontEnd Mentor challenge, using HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript.

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Picture of the search

Search Github Profile

Simple and minimalist card to search your github profile, thanks to the github api.

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Picture of the pokedex


Create a very simple pokedex with the help of the pokemon API, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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